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Total Tayangan Halaman

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Penyebab Komputer Menjadi Lambat dan Sering Hang dan Cara Mengatasi

Penyebab Komputer Menjadi Lambat dan Cara Mengatasinya

Siapa tak senang jika mendapatkan laptop atau PC yang baru. Apalagi spesifikasi di dalamnya benar-benar mulus. Ketika Kita mencoba menjalankan suatu aplikasi, performa akan computer Kita benar-benar bisa diacungi jempol. Namun, lama-kelamaan performa akan computer Kita semakin lama semakin lambat. Hingga benar-benar lambat. Apa yang terjadi dengan computer Kita? Apakah Kita harus membuangnya dan menggantikan dengan yang baru? Kebanyakan dari Kita mungkin menganggap bahwa ini adalah sebuah virus. Namun tidak demikian. Belum tentu computer yang kinerjanya lambat disebabkan oleh virus-virus yang bergerombol. Lantas, apa yang menyebabkan computer memiliki performa yang lambat. Berikut akan dibahas masalah-masalah yang menyebabkan kinerja computer menjadi lambat.
  • Masalah yang paling utama adalah di dalamnya terdapat virus, spyware, dan Trojan.
  • Banyak terdapat registry yang rusak.
  • Banyak terdapat Temporary Internet Files yang bisa mengakibatkan memory penuh.
  • Banyak terdapat start up program.
  • Susunan disk drivenya tidak beraturan karena tidak pernah didefragmenter.
  • Banyak service yang tidak dibutuhkan menyala.
  • Anti-Virus ada yang sedang berjalan (Scanning otomatis setelah start up).
  • Banyak program dobel. Misalnya CorelDRAW X3 dan COrelDRAW X5 terpasang bersama. Hal ini bisa mengakibatkan computer crash.
  • Komputer yang tidak memiliki VGA dipaksakan untuk menjalankan Windows Aero yang seperti Kita ketahui bahwa Windows Aero dapat bekerja dengan baik apabila ada Graphic Card minimal 128MB.
  • Antara OS dan spesifikasi yang ada tidak mumpuni. Misal Intel Pentium kecepatan 1,3 GHz tetapi terpasang OS Windows 7.
Lantas, bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah-masalah diatas. Tenang. Jangan tergesa-gesa. Berikut akan diulas cara-cara untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah diatas.

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012


Pada Antivirus ESET Nod32 menggunakan 2 cara untuk update virus databasenya. Yang pertama adalah update online dan yang kedua adalah update offline.
Untuk bisa update online, Anda memerlukan koneksi internet untuk mendownload file database dari Antivirus ESETNod32. Hal ini menjadi suatu hambatan jika saja komputer Anda tidak terkonek pada internet. Dan kerugian lainnya adalah jika Anda menggunakan username/password bajakan (tidak genuine) maka suatu saat username/password Anda tersebut akan diblacklist oleh ESET. Tapi ada juga keuntungannya dari update online ini, file update relatif kecil (hanya beberapa KB saja).
Cara yang kedua adalah update offline ESET. Untuk melakukan update offline Anda tidak memerlukan koneksi internet pada komputer Anda, cukup download file update ESET kemudian instal pada komputer Anda. Dan satu lagi keuntungannya dari update offline, Anda tidak memerlukan serial username/password yang valid/genuine pada ESET Anda. Tapi kerugiannya di sini adalah file update offline ini relatif besar (sampai bermega-mega).
Sekarang akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara update offline ESET Nod32, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
1. Download File update NOD32 di sini.
2. Ekstrak file update NOD32 di partisi D atau di mana saja terserah Anda. Buat folder baru misal Update Nod32, sehingga Anda mendapatkan alamat file update di D:\Update Nod32.
3. Buka program ESET Nod32 Anda kemudian tekan F5 pada keyboard atau pilih Setup>>Advanced Setup
OfflineNod32 1 Cara Update Offline NOD32 (Manual Updates)
4. Pilih menu Update, kemudian di bagian kanan pada Update server klik pada Edit
OfflineNod32 2 Cara Update Offline NOD32 (Manual Updates)
5. Masukkan lokasi update Nod32 (langkah no.2 di atas) misal D:\Update Nod32, klik Add dan OK
OfflineNod32 3 Cara Update Offline NOD32 (Manual Updates)
6. Sekarang Anda coba mengupdate ESET Anda, tunggu hingga ada ballon notifikasi bahwa ESET Anda telah up to date.
OfflineNod32 4 Cara Update Offline NOD32 (Manual Updates)
7. Anda tidak perlu melakukan update tiap hari, mungkin seminggu sekali atau paling lama sebulan sekali agar ESET Anda selalu bekerja optimal. Dan update offline ini tidak memerlukan username/password yang valid.
8. Jika suatu hari Anda ingin melakukan update manual lagi, Anda tinggal download file update, kemudian ekstrak di folder update Anda misal tadi di D:\Update Nod32 (ref. TheKriminal.Com)

Eset Nod32 Antivirus Full Version Tanpa Aktivasi

Eset Nod32 Antivirus Full Version Tanpa Aktivasi

ESET NOD32 Antivirus menggunakan kombinasi yang kuat dari teknologi heuristik canggih dan dapat update secara otomatis, mendeteksi dan menghilangkan sejumlah malware yang berkembang pesat serta ancaman yang tidak diketahui.
Fitur Utama
Smarter Scanner – Ancaman tidak selalu masuk ke jaringan anda dengan cara yang Anda harapkan. ESET NOD32 Antivirus memeriksa saluran komunikasi SSL-dienkripsi seperti HTTPS dan POP3S dan cerdas scan file terkompresi untuk menemukan ancaman tersembunyi produk lain yang terlewatkan. perlindungan Proaktif dimulai pada titik awal di startup sistem untuk memastikan komputer Anda selalu aman.
Clean and Safe Email – Email scanning untuk Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, dan lainnya POP3/IMAP mail klien, memastikan email anda bebas dari virus dan ancaman lainnya.

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012


Virus Ramnit merupakan salah satu virus yang menginfeksi komputer. yang dapat memanggil virus lain untuk menyerang system komputer anda, Biasanya virus ini menyerang file dokumen htm atau html. Memang Virus Ramnit adalah Virus yang sangat cepat penularannya dan ganas, tetapi bagaimanapun ganasnya virus tersebut pasti ada kelemahannya.

Virus Ramnit :

  • Virus yang menginjeksi file .html, .exe dan .dll
  • Virus yang menular melalui removable disk (UFD) dengan cara mengcopy file .cpl dan .exe yang selalu bertambah dan berubah-ubah namanya.Yang tepatnya file tersebut berada di dalam folder Recycler… dan 4 file shortcut copy of yang akan menjalankan file *.cpl infektor yang terdapat di folder recycler UFD.
  • Bila Virus tersebut telah meng-infeksi system komputer , virus tersebut akan membuat dan menjalankan file svchost.exe yang akan melakukan berbagai hal: a. membuat file bernama : watermark.exe yang bertempat di folder : C:\programfiles\mikrosoft\watermark.exe. b. merubah registry userinit.exe mejadi menjalankan : watermark.exe , sehingga virus tersebut menguasai sistem secara permanen , dengan cara menginfeksi file berekstensi .exe , . dll dan .html
  • Jika di properties , UFD akan terlihat banyak terpakai oleh file .cpl dan .exe di folder recycler.

  • Virus ramnit akan membuat file program tidak berjalan dengan normal , misalnya: mozilla firefox , winamp dll
  • kita tidak bisa menghapus file watermark.exe yang ada difolder c:\programfiles\microsoft\watermark.exe , dikarenakan file tersebut dikunci oleh file svchost.exe-nya virus ramnit.
  • bila kita hapus file/folder yang ada didalam folder recycler UFD , file .cpl dan .exe akan muncul kembali. dan terus menulis kembali…
  • untuk system yangtelah terinfeksi file tertentu.. misalnya : explorer.exe akan digantikan explorermgr.exe
  • bila kita membersihkan virus ini tidak tuntas ( ada yang belum dibersihkan ) , Virus ini akan kembali bila kita menjalankan aplikasi ( misalnya : klik kanan ).
Cara membersihkannya:

  • Siapkan cleaner Anti Virus (gunakan NOD32 stand alone) dengan cara download disini dan simpan dalam bentuk file zip / RAR agar file exe tersebut tidak terinfeksi virus.
  • Simpan file tersebut di UFD atau copy paste di harddisk komputer yang telah terinfeksi.
  • Gunakan task manager, pilih task/tab processes dan end task semua file svchost.exe dan juga semua yang bisa di end task ( kecuali : task managernya )
  • Open file cleaner NOD32 yang sudah berbentuk zip /RAR , dengan menggunakan file open di task manager.Rubah pilihan program di open file menjadi allfiles agar file zip/rar dari NOD32 bisa terlihat.
  • setelah teropen NOD32 dengan winrar atau aplikasi lainnya. silakan dobel klik file nod*.exe setelah next…next dipilihan action , sebelah kiri pilih Clean dan sebelah kanan pilih delete.Lalu jalankan Scan &clean
  • setelah berjalan close/tutup winrar/aplikasi yang dibuat membuka NOD32 zip/RAR.
  • Silakan diawasi dengan task manager bila ada file svchost.exe keluar/tampil di processes segera di end task… dan seperti biasa bila ada tampilan windows yang memperingatkan bahwa komputer akan shutdown dalam waktu 60 detik/1 menit. silakan ketik di menu file open /run : shutdown -a yang artinya -a adalah perintah shutdown untuk membatalkan aksinya…
  • Peringatan!!!!! , disaat NOD 32 membersihkan file di komputer anda , jangan sampai membuka /menjalankan file apapun… karena jangankan menjalankan file exe , kita klik kanan aja sudah berarti menjalankan virus/svchost.exe-nya Virus Ramnit.
  • Ingat… yang perlu kita jaga adalah : mematikan/end task file svchost.exe selama NOD32 membersihkan file di komputer kita…..
Antisipasi Virus RAmnit:

Untuk menjaga Virus sejenis ramnit agar tidak kembali meng-infeksi komputer kita di sertakan berbagai trik, diantaranya:

  • Matikan autorun.inf windows bisa berbagai macam cara : dengan menggunakan gpedit.msc>>administrative template>>turn off auto play>>enable>>alldrive , atau menggunakan regedit silakan baca : agar virus tidak masuk melalui flash disk
  • Rubah beberapa ektensi file yang berpotensi digunakan oleh virus dengan assosiasi file ( misalnya: assoc .vbs=txtfile ) terutama untuk Virus ramnit adalah ekstensi .cpl
  • Hapus selalu folder recycler didalam UFD , bila tidak bisa ada kemungkinan komputer kita terinfeksi Virus…
  • Dan hapus dengan menggunakan mini windows Xp ( hiren BOOt CD ) atau system berbasis linux , folder recycler dan _restore yang ada di folder systeminformation
  • Install Anti virus dengan Update database terbaru… dan usahakan anti viru tersebut diupdate databasenya.. baik secara online ataupu offline.

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Hispanidad.com> In brief1 of 6 in In brief | Next>
The inflation rate stays at 2.4% in December: wages will fall five tenths
Hispanic, Friday, January 13, 2012
At that rate is referenced in the already low wages of the Spanish
The annual consumer price index (HICP) in Spain has dropped five tenths in December to 2.4%, but rose one tenth in relation to November, as reported today the National Statistics Institute (INE).
According to INE, the chained CPI annual rate in December 2011 its third consecutive decline and marked its lowest since November 2010, when inflation stood at 2.3%.
As is known, the data of December inflation is important for the salaries of workers, since in some collective agreements are used to determine the salary increase the following year and in others it is a reference to compensate for the deviation of the inflation forecast at the beginning of the year. That means that wages will fall of 2012 to 2011 five tenths. That is, on one hand well, because prices do not rise but fall. But on the other, evil, because they also lower wages, even more, in Spain, one of the countries with the lowest wages in Europe.
Furthermore, as we reported recently, the Federation of Independent Users and Consumers has made a calculation whereby each taxpayer will face Spanish this year extra payment of 679 euros due to increases in the income tax, property tax, mortgage and utilities such as gas natural and water.
What the Government has said the inflation data?
Secretary of State for Economic and Business Support, Fernando Jiménez Latorre, reiterated that the Spanish economy will enter recession in the first quarter of 2012, but has ruled out the stagflation (economic stagnation with high prices) since the IPC will continue to moderate in the coming months.Prices fall, yes, but we lowered salaries and we raise taxes and spending

Hispanic, Saturday, January 14, 2012

(Matthew 21, 28-32)

Enrique Guzmán y Cabeza de Vaca was, as every bourgeois Spanish born in the sixties of last century, a catechumen poorly instructed in the catechism as a child and the perfect pagan throughout his adult life. He came from a wealthy family in southern Andalusia poorly accommodated.

He had studied biology at Madrid, where already in the hall began frequenting brothels. He did not abandon his devotion to the service after marrying and becoming a father of two children. In matters of faith became an atheist and liturgical practice. I mean I never considered reason to believe that neither endorsement for your unbelief. With Christ maintained a sort of peaceful coexistence.

So let them do to his wife, who also walked by the provisions without special enthusiasm. Their children were baptized and celebrated the First Communion and marriage always voted, without a lot, the Popular Party. Than normal.

Dedicated only to your career efforts and attained the rank of professor. He specialized in biogenetic, science fashion, without ever considering the origin of life, only in the same cell development.

In their work environment, the scientific community, of course, God was dispensable, barely relevant to a possible hindrance to forge a good academic record. At the same time, Guzman had achieved the perfect balance of a lasting marriage combined with a relationship lasting at least a sex worker. I love modern euphemisms: professional means, not one who makes a profession but charged for something. There are men most faithful to their wives and faithful to a prostitute, have been infatuated. Professor Henry had opted for two loyalties: to his wife and mother of his children, Encarna, professional and her lover, Gladys.

No talk of contradictions. It was just a usual sign of Spanish in a generation whose existence had been developed in a normal off, a moderate generation because they had reasons for not, who did not know neither hunger nor war, nor even a modest revolution in the next yard. That generation can say the saddest thing: no need of God. It's a lie I know, but the definition provides an adequate picture of its unbearable languor. A generation of Spanish, and I fear that Europeans, who had many encouragements to raise the 'question of God.

If anything, Guzman, not having reached that conclusion after hours of deep reflection, but by the atmosphere in which he moved, he had become an academic scholar convinced of the existence of neuronal soul, a soul very tiny, microscopic, radiation safety in neurons.

Did not need to delve into such absurd proportions, because, like many in this generation of postwar Western bourgeois, Enrique was a faithful follower of the sect dual, non-hierarchical community who believed that there are two truths, fiercely proud of their mutual autonomy : that of faith and science. And when there are two parallel truths no worry about the veracity of either palpable or their opposition: the very scientific principle of contradiction, that the primary assumption that a doctrine can not defend a position and its opposite at the same time shall be canceled. If this does concluís the modern intellectual duality addicted to the Church, is a scam I will not be intellectual, an angel, who disagrees with a conclusion as prosaic as successful.

Guzman had no fool and knew better than anyone, because of trade, that if the matter, the chemical composition of neurons, is constantly changing, if you now live and the next moment is destroyed, if now now lives and dies, or the slowest one can believe the soul tontuna neuronal neuronal as if it is not soul. There must be something, said Harry, in the rare moments when it was alone with himself, to remain beyond the vertigo of continuous change, a change that gives no reason for existence in general and himself in particular . Why remained Enrique Guzman, professor of biochemistry, endowed with memory, if the matter composing it, had nothing to do with that of five years ago? There must be something, something intangible, beyond that, something permanent, to keep in being, beyond a set of continuous cells moved like snakes shed their skin.

But this was not within the Department of Biochemistry philosophy but of those old dinosaurs located in a building related, some tostones who, in the XXI century, nobody had the slightest attention. And the question was not so urgent.

Overcome these dangerous times of intellectual solitude, which had condemned the routine an outcast corner, Henry was satisfied with himself. It was the individual who sees further than others. Beyond his colleagues obsessed materialists, inhabitants of a small world. And beyond that Catholics, as his wife, who were concerned to demonstrate their faith, were content to display. Professor Guzman's life ranged between obsession and subsequent anger, materialistic vulgarity colleagues and practitioners pietistic, willing to believe in miracles. And he was balanced man, able to see around both groups over both. Of course, I could not understand that perseverance of his wife in the rites of the priests. After all his wife could not be silly. Poorly educated, yes, but not silly. Among other things because she had married him.

One day he surprised Gladys kneeling before a statue of the Virgin. That situation gave him an irrepressible laugh. But the woman did not answer and save the image in the closet. Well Gladys did not look like the Seven Sages of Greece. But so picturesque scene gave him pause.

It was clear that there was something far beyond the field. There was the spiritual and therefore spirits and therefore God. No other explanation was possible, or how big the universe, or how small, life. Neither of the in-between: the intelligent species called man.

Now God was necessary to explain the world but Enrique Guzman could not even conceive of a God awaiting the word of man. That was absurd, nothing so formidable could be real. The most sensible hypothesis, and Henry was prone to confuse the moderation and wisdom, was that the Creator, person or principle, had performed its task and then the man had left to their fate. For the same, he had abandoned God.

And then it happened that. Gladys was quoted in the usual place but his companion 'floor' assured him that he had moved.

He's gone, explained how the bearer of bad news. He has suffered a crisis, he said, amused I think he called crisis of conscience, although I think it was an attack of dignity. If I were you I would not go looking for it. It has become a turkey and I think for the moment, does not want to see his old friends. You know, the prostitutes will precede the kingdom of heaven, he said, bursting into a laugh as bitter that Mr. Guzmán could not bear. With the same smile of a hyena gave him a paper, which contained an address.

Henry left the apartment in the fit of anger. But paid adulterous affair that gave him some rights that he would not resign. Furthermore, it was willing to bribe to be the one who had abandoned his maintainer. In this case, should be reversed. At that time, the resentment was stronger than lust, but that is unusual.

He took a taxi and headed that direction, turned out to be a chalet in one of the suburban bourgeoisie. There he received a nun's habit to her ankles, scowling. Guzman did not like that visual analysis was referred to the religious. With scowl, the virtuous and asked him to wait, with unconcealed coarseness warned he would ask Miss "for which you ask" if he wanted to meet him, "but I advise you not to."

In his words, Guzman called Gladys realized that really was not called so, another deception continued for a couple of decades of relationship. Which he disliked. One thing is that you lie to your wife with a maintained and other maintained that fool you. With the moral is also lost respect for the customer. For a moment, by the head of Henry spent the image and the words, "good whore", but had withdrawn the dominion of their ... neurons.

Finally came the nominee Gladys, who, for more humiliation, carrying in their hands a little book, whose cover could be a cross, whose four arms, four framed prints appeared Romanesque painted by a child. Yes, his official mistress was a Gospel in their hands. As to die of laughter, disgust, or both at once.

'You could have warned me that I was leaving.

- Why? Replied the aforementioned, with insulting composure. Did I ever yours or you were mine?

Then, as if responding to a question or raised, Gladys said the visitor:

'I read you a short paragraph because I want to change your life or, better, and why not get it back ... I see you again.

Professor Guzman could barely conceal his anger. What was missing, his beloved, and not afraid to use the real-headed him professorial tone and mood of sermons. He was not violent but not for the risks, would have herded a slap.

And the worst is that Gladys did not seem very impressed by the scientist's visible anger. He opened his gospel with a rectangles that, for scorn, turned out to be the image of a sweetened sweetened Child Jesus

- What do you think? A man had two sons. Addressing the first, he ordered: "Son, go work today in the vineyard." But he replied: "I love you." However, after he repented and went. Addressing the second said the same: "I, Lord." But it was not.

The call Gladys stopped reading and asked Henry:

- Which one do you think did the will of his father?

-It depends on which one can prove in a court-mocked Henry.

The woman seemed immune to the sarcasm: "First they answered."

- And what is the academic conclusion of the story?

'Truly, I say, Gladys went to the publicans and the prostitutes will precede the kingdom of God.

Then the passage Guzman recalled, forgotten in some corner of his childhood memory:

-Exhilarating show. My lover, gospel in hand, lecturing me. You did not say that when paying your services.

- ... Because you came to John the paths of righteousness and ye believed him, whereas the publicans and the harlots believed him.

Moved the color of the face of Don Enrique Guzman

'Now I am guilty of not believing.

'At least it says here,' concluded the aforementioned closing the book.

So, your God, apparently, does not want critics to think, only disciples who obey submissive mackerel, nodding his head down. Someone said that Christianity was a religion of slaves who was charged I think rightly said without realizing that Guzman had gone to limp to hold accountable, not to start a theological discussion.

I do not know. I'm pretty good at obeying. I guess God gives us to choose and if we choose for him, well then we can only obey.

Then, looking down, said:

-I believe that freedom is like money: it is only useful when it is spent. I have been slow to understand but now understand that the whole secret of life lies in this: we are His.

Pride told Henry that he should not enter the game. He had gone there to reproach his fright, not to be lectured on the meaning of life.

However, could not react. Yes, now I remember the passage as if he had heard every day but never thought it could refer to it. And apart: all knowledge is now stood as a monument to ignorance of the wise, a set of unsolvable questions hidden in academic pomp, a desperate search for certainty.

And now that the truth was the ignorant and miserable Gladys. She did know how to live while he remained lost in confusion. Then he came to mind that other phrase, evangelical, heard a colleague: "He who has a why to live eventually find the how."

As if he could read in it, Gladys told him to say goodbye while incorporating:

-All your knowledge will not bring you happiness, Enrique, only help you to take sides. Now you must decide between you and God. I've already made my decision, so do not meet again.

And with that he left the room. And in fact, never met again.

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Indahnya Hidup Tanpa Rokok

Rokok mengandung kurang lebih 4000 elemen-elemen, dan setidaknya 200 diantaranya dinyatakan berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Racun utama pada rokok adalah tar, nikotin, dan karbon monoksida.
Tar adalah substansi hidrokarbon yang bersifat lengket dan menempel pada paru-paru.
Nikotin adalah zat adiktif yang mempengaruhi syaraf dan peredaran darah. Zat ini bersifat karsinogen, dan mampu memicu kanker paru-paruyang mematikan.
Karbon monoksida adalah zat yang mengikat hemoglobin dalam darah, membuat darah tidak mampu mengikat oksigen.
Efek Racun
Efek racun pada rokok ini membuat pengisap asap rokok mengalami resiko (dibanding yang tidak mengisap asap rokok):
14x menderita kanker paru-paru, mulut, dan tenggorokan
4x menderita kanker esophagus
2x kanker kandung kemih
2x serangan jantung
Rokok juga meningkatkan resiko kefatalan bagi penderita pneumonia dan gagal jantung, serta tekanan darah tinggi.
Batas Aman
Menggunakan rokok dengan kadar nikotin rendah tidak akan membantu, karena untuk mengikuti kebutuhan akan zat adiktif itu, perokok cenderung menyedot asap rokok secara lebih keras, lebih dalam, dan lebih lama.

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